

“Accidentally, I knocked him on the head.” Priest apologises to family of altar boy he knocked; family responds, telling him he did nothing wrong

The priest who was seen on camera shoving a mass server has apologised.

In an online video, the priest was performing the wedding ritual when he struck the altar boy who was helping him because the boy had not brought the microphone close enough to the groom’s mouth.

After the video caused a stir, the priest issued an apology for what he had done.

The family of the altar boy the priest knocked on is shown having a meeting with the priest in a recent TikTok video uploaded by @Catholic4ever.

The priest clarified that the knock was “mistakenly” and “accidentally” caused.

Additionally, the priest apologised to the youngster he knocked.

“I’m sorry for what happened. It was not a deliberate act,” the priest said.

He added that he knocked the boy “unconsciously” because the groom’s voice was not loud enough due to the positioning of the mic.

In response, the boy’s relatives stated they had not viewed the footage. However, they gave the priest their word that there was “nothing wrong” with him striking their kid.

After expressing agreement, the priest said, “It was a minor correction, but, you know, people want something to blow put of proportion.”

Saying, “I even like it, it’s what you should do,” was a man who appeared to be the boy’s father. Nothing is amiss. If you’re meant to do something and you don’t, I’ll even hold you accountable.”

The boy’s father continued, saying that his son knows not to notify the priest and that he had never heard about the knock.

The boy’s father remarked, “But there’s no way he would have told me because he knew I’ll blame him.” “So he, himself, thought it was normal correction.”

“It’s a standard correction,” the clergyman concurred.

The youngster was then signalled to approach by the priest, who then stroked him on the head and expressed his regret.

Finally, the boy’s father remarked, “He knew that if he tells me, I’ll not be happy with him.”

He then told the priest: “Ahn ahn, is that why you came here?”

He assured the priest that he has no issues with him correcting his son.

“Don’t mind them,” the father told the priest as they exchanged phone contact.

Author: admin

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