Everyone loves to hear the kind of narrative where you have a fantasy wedding and then, a year or so later, bring a lively baby boy, girl, or both into the world.
Looking for practical ways on how to get pregnant fast, and hold your own bundle of joy in no time?
This article is just for you.Â
1. Reach a Healthful Body Mass
According to experts, getting pregnant could take twice as long for overweight people as it would for normal-weight women.
It can take you four times longer if you are underweight. To choose an activity and nutrition plan that will help you reach your ideal Body Mass Index (BMI), speak with your doctor.
However, if your weight is within a healthy range, maintain your physical fitness and follow a balanced diet.
2. See Your Physician
Most likely, he or she will examine you thoroughly and review your medical history. Tell them whether you take any vitamins, herbal supplements, or prescription drugs.
They will advise you on which ones to keep taking, which ones to cease taking, and possibly which ones to acquire new ones. Also enquire about your:
Reproductive problems, such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroid tumours, miscarriages, previous pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STDs), or the presence of reproductive cancer.
Additionally, don’t forget to include any family medical history, such as parents or siblings who have experienced cancer, heart disease, genetic disorders, or vaccination history; in particular, don’t forget to include the history of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccinations, as these infections can be harmful to the foetus if contracted during pregnancy.
3. Consume Healthful Foods
Eat healthily, minimise your daily caffeine intake (no more than 500 mg), and cut back on sugary and saturated fat-containing meals.
These are some of the costs you must bear, mama, if learning how to get pregnant quickly is what you really want.
The time to develop the habit of eating a balanced diet is now, more than ever. To help you meet your daily needs for iron, calcium, folic acid, and protein, try to eat a range of foods.
Legumes, dark leafy greens, omega-3 fatty acids, and fortified whole grain foods are good sources of these nutrients.
4. Reduce Your Alcohol Consumption and Give Up Smoking Alcohol has a negative impact on fertility.
According to study, “men who consume alcohol in excess tend to have lower sperm counts, and women who consume more than two drinks per day have a high risk of infertility.”
This indicates that if you must drink, you should limit yourself to one drink (12 fl oz/355 mL ordinary beer, 5 fl oz/148 mL table wine, or 1.5 fl oz/44 mL distilled spirits) every day.
On the other hand, smoking is not acceptable. It’s actually among the first things you ought to perform as soon as you determine you wish to become a parent.
Mother, smoking may reduce your fertility.
5. Give up hormonal birth control and begin taking vitamins for pregnancy
Your menstrual cycle may change if you use hormonal birth control (pills, patches, intrauterine contraceptives, Depo-Provera, etc.).
You’ll need to know how long your cycle is and how long your periods last without birth control before starting the process of getting pregnant.
Your body may require more time to re-regulate whether you are using the pill or the patch. In the interim, a condom may be utilised.
Every lady has a different body. While some women can become pregnant right once after stopping their birth control, others must wait up to a year.
Conversely, prenatal vitamins prime your body to meet the demands of growing a second human.
6. Recognise Your Cycle of Ovulation
Timing your ovulation by counting the days in your menstrual cycle is another wise step you can take on the fast track to becoming pregnant.
If your cycle is consistent (28 days, ovulation around day 12 or 14), you can use basic maths to predict when your egg will next be released through your Fallopian tubes.
One easy way to figure this out is to count back sixteen days from the start of your next menstruation.
After that day, you will probably ovulate five days later. Numerous calendars and calculators can also be found on the internet.
Consider your cervical mucus as well. Keep an eye out for texture and colour. The period is when your mucus will be at its thickest and slippiest.
You are likely ovulating if you can stretch it between your fingers. It can be challenging to identify these changes, so periodically check for them.
7. Begin Sexual Activity Prior to Ovulation
According to knowledgeable medical authorities, sperm can live within your body for as long as five days.
As a result, aiming for two to three days before to the day of ovulation is a wise approach.
You may play it safe and have sex every day or every other day throughout the second and third weeks of your cycle, depending on how much you want to.
8. Relax
As corny as it may sound, you might be able to find the answers you’re looking for by lying in bed and getting a few hours of rest.
Your cycle may be disrupted by stress, which is not something you want. Thus, try to relax and calm down.
Try taking up yoga or another soothing activity if you feel that your life is too stressful right now. Even fifteen minutes a day dedicated to self-calming can make a big difference.
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